Monday, October 16, 2006

vote no on admendment #1

This seems to be ahot topic for all and since I am open minded I feel everyone should have the same rights as others. I did a post back a month or so ago about gays raising children and I feel if they can can raise kids better than some hetrosexual parents then why not. I have read where some hetro parents are neglecting their own children for drugs and crime. I havent heard of any gay parents neglecting their children at whats wrong with having 2 fathers or 2 mothers? as long as the child is loved and is cared for, I dont see a problem with this. The world sometimes is so closed minded and I know alot of people listen to what the church has to say but hey open up your mind and do your reseach before you pass judgement on anyone. would god pass judgement on you or anyone? I think not!!! here is the link to my post I wrote here


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