Friday, November 03, 2006

A post Lavergne blog wont touch!

I have just read in the D.N.J that officer Tartt and the city of Lavergne are being sued for $3 million. Tart has caused so much trouble in the past that I dont know why the city still has him working for them. Brian Hullett filed the suit in U.S. District Court. The complaint states that Officer Karl Tartt falsely arrested him on two occasions. The complaint also lists negligent hiring and/or retention by the city, abuse of process and malicious prosecution by Tartt. I dont blame this guy for suing the officer but the city as well. I pay taxes here and dont want to have my money go to this guy.
Want to read more go here!!!


At 04 November, 2006 00:32 , Blogger Kathy T. said...

OH we'll touch it. But not until tomorrow. :)

At 02 June, 2009 12:59 , Blogger Joshua Timothy Estes said...

La Vergne Life: Business Directory and Christian Resource Center
Posted by lavergnelife on June 1st, 2009

Good evening, La Vergne! Just wanted to drop a quick line and let you all know that I’ve made a few changes worth looking into on the La Vergne Life website. If you’ve ever wondered how to make money using the internet, you’ve got to check out these new features. Simply follow this link: and click on “Christian Affiliate Pros” or “Free Internet Mktg Tips” for simple and easy to use instructions that explain how to start making money online today with no start-up costs.

Plus, I’m always looking to connect with anyone and everyone who would like to promote their La Vergne Product or Service via the business directory and/or newsletter. Simply use the contact form to let us know who you are and what we can do to help.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Joshua Timothy Estes
ESTES web design & internet marketing


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