Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ideas do work if known about..

I just got a phone call from Mealand Ragland from the D.N.J and she just told me that my idea about having a few homes set up in Lake Forrest Estate as police centers is going to take effect soon. She stated that our police cheif loved the idea and is going to use this to help curbe the crime over there in the largest subdivison in the state. Maybe this will be the new way, we as citizens fight crime. I think we should do this...

Have the local folks get invovled and help with the new crime centers. LET THEM BE STAFFED 24 hours a day with local people and police. You can be able to come into the center with info about crime going on and if you help gets someone arrested and thrown in jail then you get a reward, just like crime stoppers. This is going to help I believe with crime over there, as long as citizens get involved with these centers. Also lets have the police cheif hold meetins with everone at least once a month around 7pm and he can tell us what we need to do to help. We can do as much as we can and the city is going to help us so Lavergne lets get out and make this a place to live, work shop and raise our children!!!!


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