Monday, August 07, 2006


Ok today I am going to be alittle serious about a subject that is important. I am not a parent but would love to raise a child. It seems that I know of some mother that is having problems and I will explain.....

First off she is about 35 yrs old and has 4 child with three different men. The current man she is with is a wife beater. Well she just moved from one county to another to get away from him. Well one of the kids that doesnt live with her but with his father was at her apt over the weekend and was told not to go swimming unless his mother was with him. This child is only 10 yrs old and is not allowed to left alone at all. Well come to find out the father called and found out the mother had left to take her husband back to his parents home(since they ar seperated right now). This of course made the father very mad because this husband of hers(the wife beater) had whipped this mans child when he was 2 and a half yrs old and left black belt marks all the down his butt and leggs, so this man has custody of this 10 yr old little boy.

She was told 2 months ago that her 10 yr old wouldnt be visiting her until this man of hers was out of the picture...which the thought was she was done with him! Now she seems to want this man over her own son. I feel if someone cant be or wont be a parent then they dont need them.

I would love to help raise a child or completely raise a child for I have so much love to give someone. The only problem is my lifestyle which is really nothing anymore since all I do is work work work, but the state is picky on who they want to foster parent or adopt. I know some mothers read this blog and I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.

This father is going for sole custody as soon as he can. The other man her husband has an anger management problem and was told yrs ago by the courts to take classes which he never did complete. One father tries to do right and one just doesnt give a shit........


At 07 August, 2006 12:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will never understand how parents can be so selfish like this. Bringing a kid into the world and then act as if the kids isn't there!
Todd and I would love to adopt. I'll never understand how the state can decide between same sex and opposite sex who is the better in parenting.

At 07 August, 2006 13:15 , Blogger mark said...

I feel that gays seem to be the better parents because they teach the children not to judge or be prejiduce towards alot of straight parents do the same too but it just seems like more single parents are not doing what they need to...I know our county here, they are asking for about 44 more foster familys to step up so there is a problem...I feel for these kids that dont have parents because the parents are stung out on drugs or just dont want is not like it used to be yrs ago when family's were always together...


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