Monday, August 14, 2006

Summer is almost over!

Well everyone today was the first day back to school for the youngness here and that means for me that my hours at work are down to about 30 now until the holidays come around. This summer has been hard on me working 6 days a week and even a few times where I had to work 20 to 21 days straight.....The heat hasn't been my friend at work even though I work indoors the air where I work doesn't seem to work when its this hot outside. I will now be working on fall cleaning getting ready for all those holiday parties that we have. I am one lucky guy though, to have a job where I work alone go in when I want to , take breaks whenever a wild hair gets up my butt, and work with no drama. My boss has been good to me the last two years and hopefully soon I will be getting another raise. The only thing that is bad about this job is the benefits, there are now other than a weeks paid vacation. I am not stressed anymore like I was when I worked in management at fast food or retail. I don't have to deal with people just have to clean up after them which is so much better. I saw an ad yesterday for Halloween stuff already and I know Christmas isn't far behind...I need to go and put my stuff on layaway or start buying things for the family soon. I always say I am going to hit the sales right after the holidays but I never do! I will be blogging more now that I am off 3 days a week now so stay tuned for whats going on with me could get interesting at times......


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