Tuesday, August 29, 2006

a facial profile

A friend of mine online a few weeks ago had an article he wrote about whate your face says about you so I figured I would write about it too since we have different readers. I hope Nathan doesnt mind I copied his list? go ahead a see for yourself what kind of person you are by looking at your face!!!

- Face shape

Long and thin: A person with this kind of face is generally capable of endurance and resolve. If, in addition, the person has regular, attractive features, they will not leave things half done.Round: A round shape signifies hopefulness and vitality. Radiant, they can turn a stuffy room into a barrel of laughter.Broad: Not only are these people tolerant and compassionate, they’re usually broad-minded.Square: These are individualistic people who are strong-minded in achieving their dreams; they are people of action and swiftness.

- Forehead

Smooth: Someone who has no lines on his forehead is a cerebral person; they’re always thinking and making quick decisions.Wrinkled: If there are horizontal lines across the forehead, this indicates that the person is easily excited and enthused.

- Eyes

Stressed: If you notice some white between the iris and the lower eyelid of both eyes, the person is stressed and worried.Fierce: If the white part is showing above the iris, this means that on top of stress, the person is likely to respond violently.Detached: If white is showing all around the iris, run. This signifies that the person is mentally unstable and that they may go postal at any minute. Think Toni from Paradise Hotel .Lines: Should you notice small lines on the outside of the eyes, you are in the presence of someone who smiles a lot and is, generally speaking, happy.

- Eyebrows

Straight: Level, horizontal eyebrows signify an idea person. Talking facts and suggestions with them will get you far.Curved: If the eyebrows of the person are arched, they enjoy anecdotes.Thin: These are people with low self-confidence, especially if the eyebrows are high and round. Reassure them and let them know you’re not judging them. Even though you are.Unbroken: If you see someone with the proverbial unibrow, you are faced with a person who is constantly thinking, and you might benefit by encouraging them to share their ideas.

- Eyelids

Small: When the distance between the top of the eyelid and the eyelashes is narrow, this indicates that the person is independent and may even voluntarily keep their distance from others.Large: On the other hand, a large eyelid is a sign that the person is victim of dependency.

- Nose

Small: It is believed that people with a small snout are inherently weak. Often unreliable, they’re not steadfast in their decisions.Large: A large nose is a sign of initiative and determination, a strong character who leaves his mark.Blunt: The nose may be large but if the tip is blunt, it suggests that the person is not formal with their surroundings. Pragmatic, they believe in themselves and approach others boldly.Aquiline: Such a nose is characterized by being small and straight, sharp like a blade. People so adorned are generally self-centered, indecisive and sensitive.

- Ears

Small: Small ears are usually a sign of insecurity, but these people know what they want and are hard workers.Pointed: Just like their spokesperson Mr. Spock, people with pointed ears are inflexible and have difficulty being laid-back.Hairy: Not only is a person with lots of hair on their ears funny to look at, but they are also meticulous. The problem is that they often squander loads of energy on unimportant items.

- Chin and jaw

Square jaw: People with square jaws are indomitable and have the ability to turn their dreams into reality.Protruding chin: If the person’s chin noticeably sticks out, they are self-important. They believe they hold the almighty truth and no one else is ever right.

- Cheeks

Well-developed: Cheeks shaped this way are a sign of vigor, energy, self-assurance, and people who have such cheeks are willing to accept other people’s mistakes.Dimples: In addition to being attractive, dimples symbolize a person’s congeniality.

- Lips

Full: On top of enhancing good looks, full lips characterize generosity and a desire to talk about oneself.Thin: If the lips aren’t particularly bulbous, it is a sign of an innate introverted personality.Thin top and full bottom: In the event that the person has a thin upper lip and a more generous lower lip, it’s an indication that the person is very persuasive.


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