Christmas memories
I have turned 40 this year. This time of year always brings back memories to me when I was growing up. I have moved from where I grew up as a child and I now reflect on those memories. I remember my one aunt on my fathers side, She and I always went shopping in downtown Dayton Ohio. We would ride the city bus and then do our shopping and always have lunch downtown. I miss her so much for she has been gone 15 or so years now. Another aunt on my fathers side was always so sweet. I would go and spend the night with her and we would stay up late at night and watch Johnny Carson, cook popcorn and bake fudge. When I would go over to spend the night in the summer months we would always put up this table top Christmas tree and play my favorite song " rocking around the Christmas tree". She lost her mind and was put in a home where she later died. another aunt on my fathers side would always cook the family a Christmas breakfast of sourdough pancake sausage with Canadian maple syrup...mmmm. she is also gone. Christmas eve we would always go over to one of the families homes and it always snowed and we would never leave until after midnight and I remember looking up in the sky to see if i could see Santa . Those times are long gone now for they happened in the 70's. I am trying to make sure my nephew has good memories of me for when I am dead and gone! May you and yours have a great holiday season and cherish the memories now.
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